“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
Yesterday that quote crossed my desk and it struck me with its simplicity. When we choose to grow our businesses, we are taking risks.
Once we take risks, it seems that everyone chooses to share their opinions with us. How many times have you heard, “Oh, I wouldn’t have done that!” or “Well, I think you should [fill in the blank] because….”
How do you feel when people tell you what you should do with your business? Does it empower you or does it entangle you in doubt and frustration?
Personally, I chose a few years ago to be VERY careful about who I spend time with. It doesn’t matter how much I may care for someone. If they are in the “doom and gloom” club and there is always a problem/ issue/ situation/ frustration in their lives, that negativity affects me. And since I believe in focusing on what I WANT, it usually feels better to create more distance with those individuals. It’s easier to neutralize the negativity in groups so there are some people I choose to see in group situations and not one-on-one.
In contrast, I have some fabulous people in my life who are natural cheerleaders! They notice when I’m doing something well and tell me.
Do you notice the people who support you, who encourage you? They are true gems to appreciate! Before today ends, take the time and tell someone “thank you” for being a gem!
Appreciation is one of the best ways to nurture a relationship. Start appreciating the great people in your life and let me know what happens…..